
maximemelian ~ maximilian ~ smaecks

MLM (Macs, Linux, Mainframes) by day, shitposting by night.

My webdesign skills surpass whatever this is for sure! :^)

Infamously known from:

*** Fediverse (on catcatnya.com)

*** Fediverse (on queer.group)

*** Steam

*** GitHub (only used for shitposting, no really!)

Get in touch with me (sorted by personal preference):

*** Contact me on Matrix: @maxi:enbyinsi.de

*** Also Signal is a thing, i guess: maximemelian.25

*** I (still) have Telegram, please only use it when there is no other way: @smaecks

I strongly believe in personal freedom when it comes to choosing your personal software, but i want to encourage you to try Firefox (again) for your web browsing needs.
It's the best throw we currently have for an independant internet. Time showed multiple times that an internet made and controlled by faceless corporations like AOL, CompuServe and german Bildschirmtext / T-Online classic died due to lack of interesting, aspiring content and overregulation.
The Internet strived due to individuals, students and small, independant websites.